It is a very daunting task that lies ahead of everyone at Bushwise.
Nonetheless, it is where we all start our amazing journey. Even though we feel a bit lost and everything seems unfamiliar, we started to get to know our fellow students and trainers. We all come from different walks of life and all of us are keen to take this opportunity with open arms.

It is amazing to see the passion that everyone has for the natural environment from the birds, to the animals, the trees, and even the smallest of insects. A lot of it has begun to rub off on me even more. The more I experience, the more I want to learn, the more I learn the more I want to see. It really opened my perspective, to the amazing sites and sounds of different animals.
We started the week off with some paperwork, but once that was done we had some exciting experiences lined up for us by the trainers.
The first one we had was an informative game drive on the Makalali game reserve. I was lucky enough to be with Vaughan on the game drive with the rest of group A. This was the first time that I recall just being in awe. The amount of fun we had finding a hinged tortoise and the two leopard tortoises. I think we will always remember our first game drive and what it will feel like for the guests we will drive in the future. The person in the photo is Vaughan our trainer and a great field guide.

Photo by Borden Searle

Photo by Fahren Timms
Some of the other students also got some magnificent photos whilst on thetheirre drive. I really have to give the credit to Fahren Timms.
We also played a very competitive bush game whilst we were on a drinks break and us South African people take this game very serious – a ‘Bok droll spoeg kompetisie’
Friday was a treat for all students, we went to a reptile park just outside of Hoedspruit to learn more about reptiles and other creatures. We also got the chance to see the feeding of some black mambas. Most of us even got to handle green Iguanas. ‘Adam’ was rescued from a home where he was neglected.

Adam the Iguana
Over the weekend we did our first aid training, something that is compulsory for all field guides to have.
Our teacher was one of the best invigilators I have ever met from an outside company so far. He made everything seem so simple and easy and I really enjoyed this time during the course. He was extremely informative so please rest assured if you are ever a guest with a Buswise student on a game drive and in need of immediate medical attention, you will be in good hands.

Photo by Ed Smith
Borden Searle

Borden Searle